17-20 Mar 2013 Les Arcs 1800 (France)


Here are some practical informations about the presentations and conference organisation

Oral sessions:

The duration of a regular talk is 15 mn: 12 mn plus 3 mn for questions.

The duration of an invited talk is 30 mn: 25 mn plus 5 mn for questions.

Presentations must be uploaded at least 15 mn before the start of the session but we recommend to do it earlier. 
Each speaker should test the presentation in advance, especially if there are videos.

Microsoft Power point 2007 edition for PC is the software used for the presentations. Adobe reader will also be
available, so please make a PDF copy of your presentation, it could be required in case of compatibility problems.

Poster Session:

The poster session is planned Tuesday afternoon from 18:15 to 19:15. The session will be held in the conference
room. The dimensions of the posters should not exceed 100cm width x 150cm height.  

To ensure the success of the poster session, authors will have 1 mn to present the topic of their poster at the
beginning of the session. Please prepare one (and only one) attractive slide and a few words on the topic of the work !

Tutorials :

Two free of charge tutorials are planned Monday the 18th of March from 14:00 to 16:00.

14:00 : "Piezoelectric generators for harvesting of ambient mechanical energy: overview, issues, state-of-the-art and promising
technologies" by Guylaine Poulin UMR CNRS 7347 GREMAN, University of Tours, France.

15:00 : "Properties of Ionic Semiconductors" by Andreas Klein, Surface Science Group, TU Darmstadt, Germany

There is a limited number of seats in the seminar room. Please contact Guylaine Poulin for preregistration to
the tutorials: guylaine.poulin-vittrant@univ-tours.fr

Book of abstracts

The book of abstracts is now avaliable. Please click here to download the book of abstracts.

The scientific program is now availiable. Please click here to download the scientific programme.

Invited Speakers :

Prof. Susan Trolier-McKinstry Smart Materials Integration LaboratoryPennsylvania State University : Piezoelectric Films for Next Generation Logic Elements.

Apl. Prof. Dr. Andreas Klein Surface Science Group TU Darmstadt Germany : A semiconductor perspective of ferroelectric materials.

Prof. Philippe Benech.LAboratoire d'Hyperfréquences et de Caractérisation, Grenoble France : Piezoelectric materials and their applications in radio frequency domain and telecommunications.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Nico de Jong Department of Biomedical Engineering Thoraxcenter, Erasmus MC Netherlands : New dual frequency phased array transducer for cardiac imaging.



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